
About Leo

Leo's full name is NS bCH Zion's King Leonidas of Sparta. He was our first Shiloh, and is now retired from the breeding and showing biz. In October he'll celebrate his 10th birthday! Leo is a plush coated dark brown sable, weighing in at around one hundred pounds and 28.5 inches at the shoulder.


Leo is our couch potato, pretty happy just to hang around the house all day. He likes to go for walks and to play frisbee, but soon enough will just flump down on the grass with a sigh and a look that says "This is a lot of work, you know!"


Leo's personality type is definitely the sweet goofball! He's a softie, loves all people, and is fantastic with kids. Leo is the type of dog where a stern word is usually sufficient punishment--he lives to please.


Leo has been trained in obedience and also did a year as a Therapy dog, visiting nursing homes in the Denton area. His show career started out with a bang, winning two Best in Shows before his first birthday and finishing his Championship by 18 months of age. He continued to show and win until he was six years old, racking up a new NS (National Select) title each year and going up against some of the best-looking dogs in the breed. However, unlike Blazie, Leo is very much a home-body...he prefers home to traveling! So at six he was retired to spend his time hanging out on the couch with Zak while Blazie and I went to the shows!


Leo had a single litter with Kyrie in 2011, and wasn't used after that. We still like to check in with his kids and you can see photos of the litter from puppy to adult on the litter blog here: The Kyrie/Leo litter!

You can also see lots more photos of Leo from puppy to adult on his old blog, here.

© 2017 Sparta Shilohs